Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bikes, Braces, and Blurting

Last week wasn't our best week.

Nat got in a bit of trouble at school. Her green bucket was changed to yellow (thankfully not all the way to red) when she had trouble paying attention during carpet time. That trouble was compounded when she "forgot" to deliver a note to us about the incident....for two weeks. This is the apology to her teacher.

There are a lot of great things about this letter but I think my favorite line is "I'm sorry...for not paying the least bit of attention."

On Tuesday we went on a short bike ride before bed. A race between Tiff and her dad ended badly when Tiff crashed and flew over the handlebars. She sustained a skinned knee, a scraped face, and, we found out later, a fractured tooth.

It's never a great time to crash one's bike but the day before one gets braces on her teeth seems like an extra bad time. She was a trooper.

Here she is the day of her braces and the day after the bike crash.

She only allowed me to post the above picture if I promised to post this one from today. Isn't she lovely?


  1. Oh the JOYS of children. I love the letter...totally made me laugh! The girls are so cute!

    1. I think of your post of Jack writing his name on the deck all the time. So funny! I'm glad you found me! I'll follow you now! And happy birthday in one month!
